by International Associations | Sep 30, 2021 | Web Accessibility
What Does Web Accessibility Mean to the Disabled? Most of us are familiar with how Accessibility applies to physical barriers in places of business. The courts describe public spaces as “places of public accomodation.” What this does is give a legal...
by International Associations | Sep 10, 2020 | Accessibility
Web Accessibility, the Second Web Revolution! What Does Web Accessibility Mean to the Disabled? Most of us are familiar with how Accessibility applies to physical business places. However, little thought has been given to how Accessibility applies to the...
by International Associations | Oct 18, 2019 | Web Accessibility
What is Web Accessibility, and Why Does it Matter? It’s hard to imagine life without the internet. Today with the click of a mouse all of the world’s knowledge is available to everyone. But what happens if you can’t use a mouse, see the...