by International Associations | Oct 4, 2019 | Web Accessibility
What Does Web Accessibility Mean to the Disabled? Most of us are familiar with how Accessibility applies to physical barriers in places of business. The courts describe public spaces as “places of public accomodation.” What this does is give a...
by International Associations | Sep 20, 2019 | Accessibility
Is it Possible to Write “Clearly and Simply”? The task of writing clearly and simply has never been either clear or simple. In fact, it can be one of the most difficult of all writing tasks. Clear and simple writing is an art to which many aspire...
by International Associations | Sep 6, 2019 | Web Accessibility
Long Registration Forms are Deal Breakers Anything you require your visitors to do, creates a barrier between you and them. What happens when you encounter a lengthy sign-up form with lots of questions. Either you ignored it and clicked away or you entered bogus...